Background & Vision
Edge Youth Club aims to reach young people aged 10-14 of all backgrounds and faiths (or none) at a critical age of transition and journey alongside them. The idea is to create an environment where youth are embedded in life-giving values and habits to journey and grow well together, whilst allowing them to thrive in creative projects of their choosing which we help facilitate.
Our vision is to do things TOGETHER whilst celebrating DIVERSITY; to encourage and empower one another and grow together; and to lead a life that is joyful and grateful, and that is embedded in hope and vision.
When We Meet and What We Do
Edge Youth Club meets during term time between 6-8 pm in our Parish Hall
(Mossford Green, Barkingside, IG6 2BX) which consists of a large hall and a small hall. Both are light & pleasant and include a modern kitchen, restrooms / accessible toilet, stage, and plenty of tables & chairs.
The weekly 2-hour sessions consist of 1) Eating & Chilling Together; 2) Healthy Habits & Empowering; 3) Creative Time; 4) Reflect & End. We are aiming to present project outcomes to families, friends and the whole community at the end of projects. The range of creative projects includes a drama workshop; film & documentary workshop; stand-up-comedy workshop; street dance; screen acting; pottery; creative baking; recycled art project; photography; script writing; beekeeping; gardening skills; environment project; carpentry; music & culture; textile design.
We have space for approximately 20 youth who are aged 10 to 13 – membership is free.
Our staff team benefits from substantial skills, experience and enthusiasm: Chris, Kate, Helen and others, have been working with toddlers, children & young adults in inclusive and creative environments for many years. Helen is an experienced Youth Worker and Project Leader for the Christian Education Project with substantial experience working in schools. Kate is a former professional actress and singer, with substantial experience in bringing joy and confidence to children and adults through teaching drama & singing. Chris is a former University Professor with expertise in modern history (incl. racism and prejudice), and pedagogy (incl. education work with Primary Pupils).
Chris & Kate lead Holy Trinity Church. It’s on their heart to work for the common good of our whole community, and invest in children and young people (see https://www.holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk/). Our vision is to become an inclusive source of life and connect with the people and community we live in. We believe that Edge Youth Club will benefit the community in various ways, including:
i) bringing joy to the young people (and their families and beyond) through the fun experience of journeying and growing well together, and pursuing exciting creative projects;
ii) making some noise as the youth are empowered to choose creative projects, express themselves, and make themselves heard;
iii) improving physical health and well-being;
iv) boosting our neighbourhood, in particular when completed projects are presented to the wider community.
We are open to building partnerships with whoever adds to and connects with the project, incl. artists & craftspeople leading creativity sessions. We build on existing connections with local schools in Barkingside, including Mossford Green Primary School, Clore Tikva School, Avanti Court Primary School, and Ilford County High School.
Safeguarding and Health & Safety
We are guided by the Church of England’s Safer Recruitment and Safeguarding and Health & Safety policies and practices, see our website @ https://www.holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk/.
Attendance and feedback will be monitored constantly. The latter includes informal feedback in conversation and during Reflective time. We will pursue regular formal feedback in paper form from children, their parents, leaders & helpers, and visitors at project events.
Contact email: hello@edgeyouth.co.uk
Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/edge.youthclub//edge.youthclub/
Example Session: Pizza Challenge, 2 May 2024
We had a great evening! Tonight’s meal was homemade wood-fired pizzas which the young people made themselves in their pizza chef challenge. Our value was Vision and, given it was the election, we envisaged how we would design a new town/society from scratch – who would lead? Would we have schools? What top 5 rules would we have?
Spaghetti Tower Challenge 24 Sep 2024
Recycling Fashion Show 17 Oct 2024
Car Tyre Challenge 03 Oct 2024