Do you need help? Professional help. Please see in particular:
The Directory of cost of living support from Redbridge Council at https://costofliving.redbridge.gov.uk/ – please download the Directory of cost of living support here: https://costofliving.redbridge.gov.uk/media/pobibz4u/col-online.pdf
“Help in Redbridge”: https://www.citizensadviceredbridge.org.uk/help-in-redbridge/
In addition, we have put together information below that you might find helpful:
Redbridge Foodbank and Foodbank Centres – main location: Jubilee Church, 14 Granville Road, Ilford, IG1 4JY; Phone: 0208 518 0056; email: info@redbridgefoodbank.org; internet: https://redbridge.foodbank.org.uk/
4 Foodbank Centres
Jubilee Church Ilford, 14 Granville Road, Ilford, Redbridge, IG1 4JY – Opening Times: Tue 12:00 – 13:00; Wed: 14:00 – 16:00; Sat 10:00 – 13:00
All Saints Goodmayes, Goodmayes Lane, Ilford IG3 9SJ – Opening Times: Fri 10:00 – 12:00
Woodford Baptist Church, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1LW – Opening Times: Fri 14:30 – 16:30
Grange Hill Methodist Church; Burrow Road, Chigwell, Essex IG7 4HQ – Opening Times: Sat 10:00 – 12:00
Citizens Advise Redbridge: https://www.citizensadviceredbridge.org.uk/help-in-redbridge/
NHS – Drug addiction: getting help: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/addiction-support/drug-addiction-getting-help/
Redbridge Drug and Alcohol Service: Ilford Chambers, 11 Chapel Rd, Ilford IG1 2DR; phone: 020 8221 7600
Young people services: Redbridge – Fusion: tel.: 020 8708 7800; email: fusion@viaorg.uk;
Step-by-Step Recovery: https://stepbysteprecovery.co.uk/; tel.: 0800 170 1222
Teen Challenge London: https://www.tclondon.org.uk/; tel.: 020 8553 3338; 020 8478 5499; email: info@tclondon.org.uk
Gambling Addiction: https://www.gamcare.org.uk/; tel.: 0808 8020 133 (24 hours a day); WhatsApp Chat: 020 3031 8881
Homeless or housing problems
If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness, the first thing you should do is contact your Local Authority.
Redbridge Council: https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/housing/housing-advice-and-options/get-help-if-you-are-homeless/
The Local Authority has a legal duty to access whether they should provide you with emergency accommodation. Sadly not everyone will be entitled to emergency housing under the law, but the Local Authority should also provide you with other advise and assistance if they do not feel they have a duty to provide you with emergency housing.
If your Local Authority decides they cannot help prevent you from rough sleeping then please email london@crisis.org.uk or phone 020 7036 4511 and they will get back to you within 48 hours.
If you need advice about homelessness or other housing issues, Shelter provide excellent advice via web chat on their website and an advice line: 0808 800 4444. Shelter: https://england.shelter.org.uk/
If you are rough sleeping or concerned about someone who is rough sleeping please phone Streetlink on: 0300 500 0914 or go to the Streetlink website @ https://www.streetlink.london/
Crisis: https://www.crisis.org.uk/
Crisis Skylight London: If you are homeless or will soon become homeless please call 020 7036 4511, email london@crisis.org.uk or come to Crisis London Skylight, 66 Commercial Street, London, E1 6LT.
Mental Health
In crisis and don’t know what to do? If you live in Waltham Forest, Redbridge, Barking & Dagenham or Havering, you can give us a call for mental health help and advice, any time of the day or night 0800 995 1000.
If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis – you can call Mental Health Direct 24 hours a day, 365 days a year on 0300 555 1000; online @ https://www.nelft.nhs.uk/services-mental-health-direct
If you are at immediate risk of physical harm because of mental health concern or feel like you need immediate assistance, please call 999 or visit your local A&E:
1.6 miles away: King George Hospital, Barley Lane, Ilford, Essex, IG3 8YB; tel.: 0330 400 4333;
3.3 miles away: Whipps Cross Hospital, Whipps Cross Road, London, E11 1NR, tel.: 020 8539 5522.
Not in Crisis? Just need to speak to somebody? Call Samaritans on 116 123 for free.
Redbridge Council, Mental Health: https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/health-and-wellbeing/mental-health/
Health and Wellbeing
Healthy Redbridge: https://www.redbridge.gov.uk/health-and-wellbeing/
NSH Health Check: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/nhs-health-check/