Holy Trinity Church
Mossford Green
Essex, IG6 2BX
Office tel.: 07478 187 010 There is voice mail and we will return your call as soon as we can. If you leave a message or send an email, please give your name and contact details and a brief outline of your query or, if you know it, the name of the person you need to contact. Thank you.
General Inquiries parishoffice@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Fr. Chris (Vicar) priest@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Rev Kate (Associate Priest) kate.szejnmann@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Churchwarden chris.stoneham@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Treasurer accounts@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Hall hire hallbookings@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Trinity Times Parish Magazine parishmagazine@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Mothers’ Union branch mothersunion@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Trinity Contact Centre contactcentre@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Parish safeguarding representative psr@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk
Webmaster webmaster@holytrinitybarkingside.org.uk